We are here to support you

The aim of the charity is to provide support and a place on the programme to every veteran in the UK who wants to attend and/or is unable to access help through other channels.

If one life is saved as a result of contact with the charity, we will call it a success.

Any amount of investment will be justified if we can prevent just one suicide, because we believe you cannot put a price on a life.

Based on data from N. Ireland, suicide rates among veterans are twice those than the general population, but lack of reporting by the MOD means the problem could be worse than is currently reported. Levels of care and support for vulnerable veterans are low, with some veterans failing to access any help at all.

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"1 in 5 ex-service personnel experience mental health problems"

Based on data from N. Ireland, suicide rates among veterans are twice those than the general population, but lack of reporting by the MOD means the problem could be worse than is currently reported. Levels of care and support for vulnerable veterans are low, with some veterans failing to access any help at all.